Big changes for 1st home buyers across Queensland !


Big changes for 1st home buyers across Queensland !

From 1 July 2016 the Great Start Grant will be known as the Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant.
The Queensland Government has also announced a one-off, 12-month boost of $5,000 to the grant, which will now be worth $20,000, starting 1 July 2016.

Get into your first home sooner

The Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant is a state government initiative to help first home owners to get their new first home sooner. Depending on the date of your contract, you’ll get $15,000 or $20,000 towards buying or building your new house, unit or townhouse (valued at less than $750,000). You can even buy off the plan or choose to build yourself. It’s a great opportunity to buy or build a new home in our great state.

How a Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant can help you

  • If you’re thinking of buying or building a new home, this could be what gets you started
  • It could get you something more than you were expecting
  • It can get you into your first home sooner

Note: The Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant is administered under the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000.

Full details and eligibility forms can be downloaded @